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Emote API


Available for LabyMod users with version greater than 3.4.1 (LabyMod 4 included)


LabyMod users can play clientside an emote for all other players on the minecraft server. Minecraft servers can also force-play emotes for specific player's using the plugin messages.


This works only for NPC's and not for real players.

example npc on timolia



Servers can make NPC's do emotes. To prevent abuse, this does not work for real players. To enforce this, emotes can only be forced for players that have the second half of their UUID entirely being 0 (-> 64 least significant bits are 0, or the second long value equals 0) You therefore need to spawn them with a uuid like this.

This rule does not apply if the watermark feature is activated

public void forceEmote( Player receiver, UUID npcUUID, int emoteId ) {
    // List of all forced emotes
    JsonArray array = new JsonArray();

    // Emote and target NPC
    JsonObject forcedEmote = new JsonObject();
    forcedEmote.addProperty( "uuid", npcUUID.toString() );
    forcedEmote.addProperty( "emote_id", emoteId );

    // Send to LabyMod using the API
    LabyModProtocol.sendLabyModMessage( receiver, "emote_api", array );

Spawn valid NPC for emotes

private void example() { 
    // Create NPC uuid with least significant bits set to 0
    UUID uuid = new UUID(random.nextLong(), 0);

    // Add NPC to the tablist
    GameProfile gameProfile = new GameProfile(uuid, "NPC");
    addPlayerToTablist(gameProfile, gameProfile.getName());

    // Spawn the entity in the world (Maybe with a little delay of few ticks)
    spawnPlayerInWorld(1337, uuid, location);

    // Play hello emote (Another delay here)
    forceEmote(uuid.getUniqueId(), 4);

private void spawnPlayerInWorld( int entityId, UUID uuid, Location location ) {
    PacketContainer packet = ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().createPacket( PacketType.Play.Server.NAMED_ENTITY_SPAWN );

    // Entity id and uuid
    packet.getIntegers().write( 0, entityId );
    packet.getUUIDs().write( 0, uuid );

    // Location
    packet.getIntegers().write( 1, ( int ) Math.floor( location.getX() * 32D ) );
    packet.getIntegers().write( 2, ( int ) Math.floor( location.getY() * 32D ) );
    packet.getIntegers().write( 3, ( int ) Math.floor( location.getZ() * 32D ) );
    packet.getBytes().write( 0, ( byte ) ( location.getYaw() * 256F / 360F ) );
    packet.getBytes().write( 1, ( byte ) ( location.getPitch() * 256F / 360F ) );

    packet.getIntegers().write( 4, ( int ) 0 /* Item in hand id */ );

    // Data watcher for second skin layer
    WrappedDataWatcher watcher = new WrappedDataWatcher();
    watcher.setObject( 0, ( byte ) 0 );
    watcher.setObject( 10, ( byte ) 127 );
    packet.getDataWatcherModifier().write( 0, watcher );

    // Send packet to all players
    for ( Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers() ) {
        ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket( player, packet );

private void addPlayerToTablist( GameProfile gameProfile, String displayName ) {
    PacketContainer packet = ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().createPacket( PacketType.Play.Server.PLAYER_INFO );

    // Write action type
    packet.getPlayerInfoAction().write( 0, EnumWrappers.PlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER );

    // Write gameprofile
    WrappedGameProfile wrappedProfile = WrappedGameProfile.fromHandle( gameProfile );
    EnumWrappers.NativeGameMode nativeGameMode = EnumWrappers.NativeGameMode.fromBukkit( GameMode.SURVIVAL );
    packet.getPlayerInfoDataLists().write( 0, Collections.singletonList( new PlayerInfoData( wrappedProfile, 20, nativeGameMode, WrappedChatComponent.fromText( displayName ) ) ) );

    // Send packet to all players
    for ( Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers() ) {
        ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager().sendServerPacket( player, packet );

Example emote id's

-1  <Stop emote>
2   Backflip
3   Dab
4   Hello
5   Bow thanks
6   Hype
7   Tryingtofly
8   Infinity sit
11  Zombie
13  Hula Hoop
14  Calling
15  Facepalm
18  Brush your shoulders
19  Split
20  Salute
22  Balarina
31  Handstand
32  Helicopter
33  Holy
34  Waveover
36  Deeper deeper
37  Karate
38  Moonwalk
40  Freezing
41  Jubilation
43  Turtle
45  Headspin
46  Infinity Dab
47  Chicken
49  The Floss
50  The mega thrust
51  The cleaner
52  Bridge
53  Milk the cow
54  Rurik
55  Wave
57  Money rain
59  The pointer
60  Frightening
61  Sad
62  Air guitar
63  Witch
69  Left
70  Right
74  Buuuh
75  Spitting bars
76  Count money
77  Hug
78  Applause
79  Boxing
83  Shoot
84  The pointing man
85  Heart
86  Near the fall
89  Waiting
92  Praise your item
93  Look
97  I love you
98  Sarcastic clap
101 You
105 Head on wall
112 Balance
113 Levelup
114 Take the L
121 My idol
122 Airplane
124 Eagle
126 Job well done
128 Elephant
130 Present
131 Eyes on you
133 Bow down
134 Maneki-neko
135 Conductor
136 Didi challenge
137 Snow Angel
138 Snowball
139 Sprinkler
140 Calculated
141 One-armed handstand
142 Eat
143 Shy
145 Sit-Ups
146 Breakdance
148 Mindblow
149 Fall
150 T Pose
153 Jumping Jack
154 Backstroke
156 Ice-Hockey
157 Look at fireworks
158 Finish the tree
159 Ice-Skating
161 Fancy Feet
162 Ronaldo
163 True Heart
164 Pumpernickel
166 Baby Shark
167 Open present
170 Dj
171 Have to pee
173 Sneeze
178 Cheerleader
180 Naruto Run
181 Pati Patu
182 Axe Swing
183 Fusion Left
184 Fishing
185 Fusion Right
187 Breathless
189 Genkidama
191 Singer
192 Magikarp
193 Rage
194 Slap
195 Air kisses
196 Knockout
197 Matrix
198 Jetpack
200 Golf
201 Stadium wave
202 Kickboxer
203 Handshake
204 Cleaning the floor
209 Sweat Wipe
213 Hokuspokus
215 The Bat